
What is CCC?


The United States does not have a national paper like of Japan. Therefore, there are many local newspaper stuck to the area. There, although it is not a celebrity, the person who played an active part in the area is written.
In SanFrancisco there are many Japanese-American.
The life of Japanese-American and the actual circumstancescondition are written to the local newspaper.

The continuance of the Japan town is now dangerous in San Francisco. For San Francisco, the Japan town has existence value and also symbolizes uniqueness.
Many Japanese-American has got the income in the Japan town. Moreover, it is also Japanese society there. It focused in their future and uneasiness is thrown into relief.

We tend to think that the Japanese who can speak English is smart, the Japanese who lives in overseas is cool.
We have to know about their worries.

When I was in Manchester in Britain, I have heard about Japanese-British from one of my Japanese friend. They sometimes confuse about their identity. Like "Which nation am I??" "What is Japanese culuture? I don't know about that anything."
Their trouble is very deeper than our imagination.We should get to know their actual condition in more detail. And it is important to get to know the difficulty of they living overseas. We could understand more deeply each other, when we interchange with them, because we get to know.

1 件のコメント:

HJU Teacher さんのコメント...

Actually the USA has a national newspaper called USA Today. The New York Times and the Washington Post are also read and delivered all over the USA and the world. The NY Times is a liberal paper and the Washongton Post is known for being conservative!