
Expressing Feelings

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?

I think there are no differences all over the world.
But I sometimes confuse by feelings emotions of another country people. Because they express their emotions very strong.I know Japanese is weak less than the other country.
I think facial expressions are common.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Now write the English translation.

うざい(u za i)     weary, annoying, disgusting
たいぎい(ta i gi i) toublesome, complicated, tiresome
やばい (ya ba i) i think this word is kinf of slang. when you are very happy or be impatient bout something. impatient about something, you can say it.
たのしい(ta no shi i) happy, hot, nice, good
うれしい(u re shi i) happy, glad
なごむ(na go mu) be soothed, be comforted
ここちいい(ko ko ti i i) comfortable, pleasant
おちつく(o ti tu ku) calm, quiet
あんしん(a nn shi nn) relief
こわい(ko wa i) scary 

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?1




Did her speech change your views of Islam?

I just tought Muslim was solemnness. but its kind of prejudice.
I realized that Islam people just love their identity. we have to deepen about Muslim and Islum. They proud their relirion.
Anyway Ive not changed my veiw by her speech almost.
Yes I'm scary if I travel there, maybe i would be killed by someone.
I just dread to go there. I never fear Muslim.
Question 1: How do you greet people in your life?
In my Life, I think I greet people ...maybe first I say "hello" or call their names, secound I hug them. However I do it only them whose I know very well. And then we let know each other to have been recently.
If I met people who we've nver met before, I would bow and say my name and somthing (for examle, "wellcome to Hiroshima, and How are you?" or "which university do you go?" "How old are you?") We talk the topic of"建前". Japanese think when we talk about Age, Status, Fmily and etc. with peolpe who meet first time, those topics is very harmless and It dosen't matter.
I think we never shake hands( only Japanese).
Question 2: Do you touch people when you talk to them?
Yes, I do. I hug my friends (except men) every time. And I guess I touch people aroud their shoulder and hands when we are chatting.
When we do it, we can get more close each other. But there are some people who doesn't like to touching. So I sometimes musr be careful I make someone bad feel.
I certainly suggest that there are many people who touches people is characteristic on the English department of HJU. hehe